Problem Solving/Decision Making

Steps to Solutions

An original lesson developed by participants at the Oregon Leadership Teacher Institute, this lesson focuses on developing a step-by-step process to work toward accomplishing desired solutions to problems.

Problem-Solving Activities

A very nice collection of team-building activities, initiative games, and problem-solving activities, as well as a list of problem-solving activity websites.

Ice Cream for One

A quick, 15-minute lesson from WASC exploring the art of decision making. Check here for other great lessons from WASC.

Traffic Jam

A good description and the solution for the classic problem-solving activity Traffic Jam.

Connect the Dots

A classic lesson that helps students understand the importance of thinking "outside the box" when problem solving. 

Developing Your Problem-Solving Skills

Crest Capital's website has an excellent collection of resources, exercises, and puzzles on problem solving.

The Story of Harvey

Youth will discuss and practice identifying and determining levels of responsibility for a tragedy in this lesson from Character Counts.

The Marshmallow Challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge is a remarkably fun and instructive design exercise that encourages teams to experience simple but profound lessons in collaboration, innovation and creativity.  This video from the TED conference has great info on it, and step-by-step instructions can be found on the marshmallow challenge website.

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